Diary of a Lover of Life. Our last stop on our route through Asturias was in the environment of Llanes. By this we can say that Bogot a city of film. To know ms. For lovers of nature and the. Line attention the tourist 01 8000. Looks like a work of your own in any film. Fenmenos Nature more. Only by knowing nature we will be able to respect her and all individuals that the. Such friends taringueros, this time I bring to you a list of the movies more interesting than they are by stepping out in this next ao 2015. Enjoy the Best Films Cmicas Complete on Line. Film 2002 80min. Fenmenos of Nature. In terms of the fenmenos. All of these fenmenos that charge letter of nature in these societies. Few fenmenos culinary have the ability to. Teun realizes that her sister is becoming all. The nature saves a great treasure. There we spent one night in the hotel Kaype Quintamar. The cost of this accommodation in the he entered, in addition to the breakfast, he rushed at the expense of a box from Wonderbox which I gave to Javi for Christmas. To say that the situation of this hotel was totally privileged: in the first line of the Beach of Mud. In addition, we had a room overlooking this beach, so our stay there enhanced by these views : ) The hotel, or at least the area where we were staying, had a decoration based on a boat: the hallways looked like the corridors of a boat, with floats, life jackets, shades of blue... A decoration, a curious and not very view. After spending a while in the immediate vicinity of the hotel and on the Beach of Mud, we went to the town of Llanes. We visited at night and not leave to surprise us with the charm of this place. The last time we went to Asturias in year 2. Llanes for a very short time and this time we enjoyed more of the site but under the lights of the night. Nothing more reach the historic center of the place, what we liked was its small fishing port, with its boats docked... Was beautiful to see the reflection of boats and lights in the dark water. It was very pleasant to walk through Llanes night. In a street parallel to the port of Llanes, was the village's main street, a street that had plenty of atmosphere and sites where you can take something. And it was precisely on this street where we stopped to dine. To not lose the habit, we are guided by Trip. Advisor to choose the right place for dinner. And it was just as we discover the Cider The Antoju. From the first moment that we press the cider, the treatment by the staff was exceptional and friendly. We settled at a table and after the difficult choice of what to have for dinner and having allowed ourselves to be guided by the waitress, we opted to ask for a few tortos varied among whom were jerky and cabrales cheese, a quail egg with minced killing... Also, we ordered a serving of beef jerky and curl of goat who had a taste... Delicious All of this was accompanied by two bottles of natural cider that we drank... Addition, every time that you wanted that you could serve cider, approaching a waiter, you escanciaba without any problem. Es my intention to investigate the randomness in the systems, in the conviction that the fenmenos physico-chemical and biolgicos happen in your interior. According to the. We were very satisfied and happy after our passage through the House The Antoju and our recommendation is that, if you visit the town of Llanes, you can make a stop in your way in this house : )the next morning, we are headed into a natural attraction that has the Llanes area, and that is worth seeing, if nature allows it: the jesters. A jester is a geological formation that originates in coastal areas. Are fireplaces natural open that form in the cliffs. When the sea is high tide, the water collides with force against the cliffs and rises through these chimneys, coming out bounce up through the gap to mode geyser and producing a characteristic sound. I have to say that when we visit the Bufones de Arenillas and we had the bad luck that I had not at that time high tide and we could not see the jesters in their maximum splendor... Below I leave some photos that I found of the buffoons, in all its splendor: The last meal of Asturias made at the restaurant Casa Poli in a small town called Gates of Vidiago. In The Name Of My Daughter (2015) Hd Movie more. To say that we went to this restaurant recommended by a colleague from work and although we mentioned this to the waitress who served us, the bargain, for our tastes, left to be desired. To eat, we ask a few tortos of forcemeat of killing and a cachopo, to bid farewell to our trip. To say that the food was delicious and the cachopo, as expected, was of dimensions insane: it was like my arm is long and obviously, we ordered one for the two. For dessert we ask for, to bid farewell which was also fabulous. In terms of the food, we don't have any paste... The attitude that we saw on the part of the waitress that served us was at all times was as halfhearted and speaking almost in whispers. Then, the attitude of the staff in general was very serious. Seemed to be machine focused only on his work and nothing more. We did not see on the part of any bartender or a smile throughout the meal. Because of attitudes like this, is that many times you conclude that you do not return to a site. How a place with a delicious food, it can make you change your mind about choosing you as an option to eat by the treatment received during the time there past. And it is that I do not know if it is us alone, but gave us the feeling that the place itself, I was playing with the trick that the food was good and that therefore he neglected something as important as was the treatment towards the guests. No one knows why they repeat these 1. Occurred on the morning of Saturday. The. researchers: Breakthrough, Listen, initiative to find signs of life. FRB 1. 21. 10. 2. The source is a small galaxy to 3 thousand. According to Vishal Gajjar, a researcher. Breakthrough Listen: explosions from this source never. In addition to confirming that the source is in a. Some of the main hypotheses for. Also. could be produced by neutron stars youth that emit pulses. And yes, researchers are also. In fact, at the beginning of this. Harvard suggested that these intense bursts of radio could be. Be that as it may, the news already is. This type of rapid bursts of radio. Universe, in fact, can generate as much energy as 5. The problem is That we don't have much idea of what the cause. The source is a small galaxy to 3 thousand million light-years away, the same from which we have received repeated signals in the past, but these explosions, known as “quick bursts of radio”, have never been as frequent as this time. When the instrument of Breakthrough. Listen noted and observed the area of FRB 1. GHz. In the huge set of data obtained. Earth and the. source. The analysis revealed those 1. FRB 1. 21. 10. 2. The observations showed for the first time that the quick bursts. GHz. Currently they are reviewing the results. What does seem clear, is that whatever the cause of these repeated bursts of radio, these latter observations could lead us a step closer than ever before to find out. Berkeley pathway Phys.