Película “Gray State”: Martial Law and Civil War in the usa. UU. A few preliminary clarifications by CJD: It's a film that I would seek to expose the sinister plans of the New World Order, and in particular the possible: Martial Law and the 2nd American Civil War. It is a low-budget film that precisely seeks to highlight what is really avecinaría in EE. UU. and later to other countries. This is an independent production that displayed the plans of the elites (nwo) are so Obvious and Blunt. It seems that the want to fund in the mode crowfunding, that is to say, donations popular, or that Hollywood - illuminati (nwo) nothing of nothing. In the line that makes his complaint is more in the support to the militias, the american military today (Guardians of the Oath, patriots, military faithful to the constitution, veterans, secret agents loyal to the people, police the faithful: to serve and protect, etc.). Apparently, Alex Jones interviewed the directors of the film, we will see if we locate that video. We can say that we are in a film that seeks to expose the sinister plans of the elites (nwo). Felt (2015) Film In Hd. Gray State, a film. TAB2. 01. 2 The world will falter by the turmoil of war, geological disasters, and economic collapse, while americans continue to be immersed in the illusion of safety and immunity. While rights are sold for security, the federal government, bloated power, begins a systematic acquisition of freedom in order to achieve a New World Order (nwo). Americans, quarantined to the districts militarized, become a population ripe for the control tyrannical. Neighbor is turned against neighbor as the value of the dollar drops to zero, food supplies are depleted, and every one is a suspect of terrorism. There are arrests. Disappearances. Bio - Attacks. Public executions of those who are suspected of dissent. Descargar Película Ahorro De Banksy (2017) ' title='Descargar Película Ahorro De Banksy (2017) ' />La film de ciencia ficcin Prometheus explores theories on the orgenes of mankind and his relationship with the visitors. Septiembre2017). Issued the 28-07-2017 21:00. Banksy we have not signed a private investigator. Banksy Graffiti Robot Machine of Printing of the Canvas Wall Painting Room Decor Fun Image to Paint Street Art of The Old-School code of Bars. Normal only exists in the minds unimaginative. H. P. Lovecraft. Even rumors of concentration camps FEMA on american soil. This is the backdrop of a history in development of resistance. Download California Typewriter (2017) Online on this page. Militias americans are preparing for the guerrilla war. There are defections in mass of the military. When you are carried out working out of a proposal of the corporate image, the designer must keep in mind at all times that their application to the system. Read reviews of Pompeii, directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. Ao: 2014. Consultation reviews of users and opinions on Pompeii, and read what that opin the crtica. True patriots try to gather around the Constitution and defend liberty, preparing an insurrection of the national against the federal forces, knowing that this will be the last time in history that the oppressed will be able to form an organized resistance. Seen in : The Informative Blog. The power savings is also a source of clean, but not exploited. Banksy has become so popular that it has been invited to create an intro for the Simpsons. The graffiti have become the elusive Banksy in one of the ms. September 2017. of the west bank or the Eurotnel and his first film. Source. Important reflection of David Icke's the issue: When they come to knock your door...For Fabiocomplejo Small video where David Icke speaks to us of the importance of getting the head out of the sand and there to draw the line who can free us from the dictatorship that is coming. She tells us how the people must wake up as soon as possible and face the reality in which he lives, and they hurt. If it hurts or bothers you, surely it is true. Info Related: What's really going on in north America : the Leader of Megadeth he accuses Obama of plotting the shootings such as the Aurora. The vocalist and leader of ‘Megadeth’ Dave Mustaine, puzzled to attendees of a concert that the band gave in Singapore, after throwing a strong indictment against president Barack Obama in full concert. According to what reported by the newspaper The los Angeles Times, the singer spoke of the responsibility of the president in tragedies like the massacre in Aurora, where died 1. Batman’, ensuring that he had planned secretly to these attacks. Back in my country, my President is trying to pass a gun ban (...) So that is riding all of these murders” like the Aurora (Colorado), “And now the beautiful people of the temple of the Sikh,” said the metalhead. It should be noted, that this would not be the first time that Mustaine is critical of Obama, as in the past suggested in a radio program that the birth certificate of the President, it was a fraud. Finally, according to according to THE Times, these types of statements seems to not affect the popularity of the band, as their latest album ‘Th. Hard Rock Billboard 2. Julio2. 01. 2Traducido and adapted by CJD: Updated 1. Julio2. 01. 2 Updated 1. Julio2. 01. 2Actualizado 1. Julio2. 01. 2Actualizado 2. Julio2. 01. 2Actualizado 2. Julio2. 01. 2De backhanded way attempt to deprive the American people of such a patrimonial right (constitutional). Let's not forget that it is a constitutional right in America to have weapons to defend themselves, in accordance with the 2nd Amendment of your constitution rights. This could lead to a 2nd American Civil War, The seizure of the weapons could lead to an escalation of civil violence and give the cabal (nwo) the excuse they need to declare martial law both seeks to implement. The Cabal (nwo) takes many, many years trying to confiscate all the guns from the civilian population of north america. In this way you would pave with the greatest ease the path of the kabbalah to the implementation of their New World Order. The Cabal knows that civilian americans are powerful with their weapons, but without them they are easy prey and to their concentration camps or re-education orweliana (FEMA) to all dissenting or discordant with the full implementation of the Satanic New World Order. Many know that the civilian population is waking up and more and more each day they know the true intention of this requisition of weapons, and therefore if it is ratified this treaty trap (Trojan horse Illuminati) we think that this could be the trigger for a possible 2nd American Civil War. The next 2. 7 July 2. American. It is not a coincidence that what they have planned (nwo) for a Friday afternoon, when the journalists have already come to their homes and a large part of America is starting its summer holiday and not pay due attention to the usurpation of a right in its constitution, historical.