A Technician Concerned One step closer to the truth. Follow tech concerned. It is not my mission to sow hatred among human beings, or to enter into fruitless debates as to how we entered the straw in the left eye while the enemy spiking a beam on the right; I speak of the attack of Barcelona. We have nailed the rejón, well nailed and very sibilinas ways...and have done so during week 3. First I want to see some videos. The first two are from September 2. The robot fisherman he warned us of the possibility of a future terrorist attack false flag in Barcelona. Note LTU. The second part of the video has disappeared, so I'll upload both parts...I knew that they would soon disappear the videos. Among the many interesting things that we had in these two videos like this possible attack false flag in Barcelona (which is not that they are premonitorios is to simply analyse the situation and foresee the future events) I am going to highlight the importance of Catalonia and therefore Barcelona in this whole plan of world domination, known as the New World Order. We are going to highlight within this context the Rockefeller that piece of the building......with your piece of owl (and his eye, je, je, je...look in the window beneath the owl), as we will see later, has had a key position in this whole story. To the side of that owl we find ourselves as it could not be otherwise with an obelisk of which they spent from time immemorial to mark the ground. Of course the 9. A step-ms towards the truth. We're going to see a financial crash on the New York stock exchange The New York subway is not prepared for a inundacin large. Subdivx. com community number one of the subtitles in Spanish. Hello to all on this site Too often wonder where download the film good quality and even the absence of virus Dimite a mayor of CKD before deciding whether to support the referndum 13092017 17:06:58 The mayor of the municipality of lleida of Ponts alleges causes that affect their lives. And it is that I, in December last year already warned that we would have some serious problem in Catalonia. Another video extremely interesting is the channel Valdeande Magico where Jose Alfonso Hernando begins his video by telling us that the symbol of the trident will be famous......and we loose the roll that John Wayne is ugly, strong and formal...or FFF or what is the same 6. Don't be bad Jose Alfonso and tell the parish these small jokes and do not keep them for a few...je, je, je. See this video and stick with the main thing...This is the main building of the Rockefeller Center in Manhattan...I leave to you the job to know to whom it belongs...what is important is what that looks like in your main face. Do you imagine that may be Yes. A trident symbolized by Poseidon king of the sea...and a nice square and compas camouflaged. The translation of the poster is also curious: Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times. JOZlwZRpc98/V0cjBqTGP_I/AAAAAAAAPzQ/UnznPtLa_KI3bF13o-oVkdEASj3IGZzWwCLcB/s1600/expediente.jpg' alt='Descarga El Paso (2017) De La Película Tumblr ' title='Descarga El Paso (2017) De La Película Tumblr ' />En the midst of the bad reviews of Suicide Squad and the chaos of production that you seem to be living the film of Batman, Wonder Woman has become. Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of “your” time. And now let's get to the five that has made Pedro Bustamante. Take your time, they deserve the penalty. Finally the video that has drawn up the channel, A Quantum leap which by the way has already disappeared from its channel, a second video on the topic......you can see more on actors of crisis and news founded in this playlist of my Youtube channel. Note UTP 2. 5- 8- 2. Another video that disappears and two...)This what I put doubled by if it goes away...it will. United Passions (2015) Full Movie on this page. After having contemplated all of this information we see that we have counted the media and that stuff about symbology not have told us. July of this year, we they whipped up with this...the former minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, José Manuel García - Margallo, warned that he would take things...obviously I was talking to the non secular. We have here causation and not coincidence that they operate at a subconscious level in all this operating for way cryptic face among us...all against all, leaving the hands free to the magician to make his own. Could see many of these rare things in this thread that I did not start myself, and I say could because Twitter has already been charged to leave it inoperative. You would realize that even though many have warned that this attack goes to the number 1. A new beginning”...unfortunately I think that this is going this attack and as I told you already in this article “have” much to celebrate this year. Pedro Bustamante and some other like the one that opened that thread on Twitter already knew that all these 1. In the end, the driver tell us that turned out to be Younes Abouyaaqoub 1. Obviously you have not been able to be captured alive by wearing a belt explosive...(or so they tell us)...at the 1. Catalonia) say they have killed...how he was killed exactly 1. Time of death according to the mossos, the 1. A photo collage that has appeared on the networks...And what we call the dead again Je, je, je...well, I vds I would go espabilando. See the video of Yom - 5 hats Yom as always. Well, the original video on youtube has disappeared as I finished the article......I have a copy. The official story has had all kinds of drama and twists scenic or the best script in Hollywood could copy......the theme of the butane gas bottles is already something insane. With explosions movie. Can you calculate easily the height reached by the fungus that we say caused by the prick of a butane gas canister to remove the debris a machine. We are speaking of more than 2. White, completely white, nor yellow, nor black. EXPLOSION OF ALCANAR VIEW FROM THE MARNi the colour or the power we indicate that we are before a single explosion of butane. Won't go into much here, but the hypothesis of the deletion of the track and it seems to me plausible. I wonder if it is so easy to get more than 1. Of course no one will ask this question in any media or in any press conference. Let's say that the journalism that calla leaves much to be desired because I do not think that the equilateral triangle is a detail subliminal for the initiated. Obviously Barcelona is not in the middle of the Pyrenees without being able to enjoy its beaches. Fortunately it seems that some journalists are “worried” when they see something a tad unusual like a convoy of 5 cars were given a tour around Barcelona aftermath of the attack. Imagine what it means to make this whole journey without a single police control you do any question...is this to be in level 4 alert against terrorism After the success of Wonder Woman, Patty Jenkins will return to direct the sequel. In the midst of the bad reviews of Suicide Squad and the chaos of production that you seem to be living the Batman movie, Wonder Woman has become the most successful film of Warner and DC, and in large part this is thanks to their director, Patty Jenkins. Now, Warner has confirmed that Jenkisn will return to Wonder Woman 2. After the announcement by Warner ago. Wonder Woman, ...Read more From Variety has revealed that, by the end, Patty Jenkins has reached an agreement with Warner Bros to direct Wonder Woman 2. The study and the director were months in negotiations, but now the deal has been closed, and Jenkins will return. Patty Jenkins has the undeniable merit of having turned to Wonder Woman in the first great unquestionable success of Warner Bros and DC Comics, after the bad reviews they had received in his time Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad. The new agreement to direct the sequel to Wonder Woman will turn in the director-female best paid of all of Hollywood, and after more than 8. All the stories of the heroes have their decisive moment, that moment in which the music rises, the...Read more meantime, Warner and DC still working to achieve to convert to their universe of films in a resounding success, working with Martin Scorsese on a film of The Joker and rewriting the full movie of Batman. James Cameron can say what you want, but Wonder Woman's in addition to be a success also is just what the cinema of superheroes (and superheroínas) needed. Wonder Woman 2 will arrive on December 2.