I started running in error. News of Formula 1. H. —Hi. Are you a Spanish —Hello, yes, I am. Man, I got to tella ya... Is a very impressive what he has done to Fernando Alonso. As soon as I found out, I talked with a friend, we discussed it because it impressed us so much, has a lot of courage, and here it is an honor that you came. Sti impressive. —Are you a teacher at the school —No, I'm the parent of a student, but a friend of a professor, and that's why I've now come to the college to be able to know him. Man, I tella ya. It is going to do well, is doing very well, and come to school, brings good luck, last year came Alexander Rossi, who was also a rookie, and won the race. The name could not be more appropriate: Speedway Junior High School, an institute situated almost two kilometres of the track where he held the 5. Miles of Indianapolis. Residential neighborhood in a typical american middle-class. Low houses of wood, individual, all wooded. Best Movies 2016 2017Resea the debut of the valencia 13 Miles. Reviews ;; 13 MILES – 13 Miles (2017) 13. Marvel could make his film about Spider-man. Information of 600 Miles. Director: Gabriel Ripstein. The film we are located in the atpica relation that is established between. NEW RESTAURANTS, 2017. Nine and five in the morning. At the door they were waiting for Fernando Alonso, Conor Daly and Ryan Hunter Ray, two of his rivals in the race. The visit to the institute is a tradition. Alonso arrives with his partner, Alberto, his personal assistant, and Silvia, the press officer of Mc. Laren. All are downloaded from Escalade, one of the official cars of the organization. Brenda Valverde. Fernando Alonso will participate for the first time in this prestigious test the 2. Brenda Valverde. Fernando Alonso will participate for the first time in this prestigious test the 2. I started running for errorEn the door, waiting for them several leaders of the institute. One of them explains to the drivers what you are going to be the act. It will be about an hour, you will have to talk and also carry out various group activities with the students. The procession moves through the corridors, which are all in silence. The pilots are on the one hand, the rest go straight to the gym of the institute, also basketball court. There are, filled the stands, students of adolescent age, obediently silent, even modosos, waiting for the main protagonists. Grab the microphone a chunky professor. An introduction explains the values that you want to convey and share with the visit. Then, with a music party, starts to introduce you to the pilots, that come out one by one behind a curtain. Go with a greeting to the students exiting the stairs of the dais, jalean its output. Music to stop. The last one is Alonso. All very american, like in a movie. All superbly organised. Javier Rubio. The arrival of Alonso at the 5. Indianapolis has also put the focus in the second Spanish rider who participates in the race, Oriol Served, with options of victory. Free Download Of The Damned (2015). Javier Rubio. The arrival of Alonso at the 5. Indianapolis has also put the focus in the second Spanish rider who participates in the race, Oriol Served, with options of victory“I started running by mistake,” says the Spanish pilot to students, which break to laugh, and explains that what he did in the kart that was meant for his sister. The teacher had asked the pilots to explain first how and why they began to run. Pursue your dreams, I'm living mine it's amazing,” said Conor Daly. Former team-mate, rival and friend of Carlos Sainz, son of the irish pilot of the eighties, Derek Daly, has managed to keep his career in the united States after failing to reach the Formula 1. And it recognizes what it means to be able to race with Alonso. In the first line, to my side, a few students have the questions prepared and written for each pilot. Two or three for each one. My friend teaches me yours, (How do you feel about losing the best F1 race of the season How do you feel about finally running the best race of the american season ). But finally can't do it because there is no time. He looks at Me with a face of pity, but he understands it. I Take that, Fernando Comes after the team work and the various activities that measure the pilots among themselves with their respective teams. Each one is made up of several students that is distributed to each pilot. The first activity is to ride with a ‘Lego’ a small single-seater. Fifteen minutes of frantic. Alonso moves to the other tables to see how it goes the rest. Asked to of the guys that placed well on the table to be better organized. The team of Daly goes ahead. When time runs out, Alonso asks laughing to Hunter Ray and Daly: “Ok, the time has ended, it is not worth to follow...”. Daly checks to see that your team has won. Take that tells Fernando between laughter. Take that ” more or less comes to say. Turn to physical activities. Each of the students brings out a different: backgrounds, squats, jumping rope, crunches. You had to count the number of the placed and see who won. The music is accompanying all the time, the energy is great, but no one is desmadra, the discipline is manífica. It is the turn boy of the funds. Alonso crouches to cheer him up. The kid leaves the soul, congested, and screams as if you were in a movie. Wins in his group and is pulled chest. In the end, it is decided that there has been a debate salómonico, but on the computer end had won the team of Alonso. To try some baskets. But there comes something that was not foreseen in the program. Alonso suggests, he loves basketball, why not throw a few tiritos to the basket. The professor announces through the microphone are to be measured under the hoops. Strip first Daly, that it connects. Alonso is going to the cloud in the first shot, take the hands to the head. It itches, begin to throw one after the other, Daly jumps and Alonso hits a slight push to descolocarle. Good vibes between everyone. It goes to the next activity. In the grandstand, the students have a small ‘brick’ of milk, which they drink all together with the pilots, imitating the ritual of the winner in the 5. Miles. Comes the last act. Hunter Ray, Daly and Alonso sit on the table to sign autographs. From the shadow (Seix Barral) Juan José MillásDesde the shadow of Juan Jose Millas. Final Note. Scores of readers: (2 Votes)8. As a god without attributes, or, perhaps, as a man hidden in a cabinet, Millas merges with the emptiness and documented in his latest novel a reality incomplete about loneliness, a story of ghosts corporeal and bodies invisible. It often happens, with the latest releases, film it from a good occurrence, and four or five scenes of well-thought-ensure that the viewer's enjoyment of a first half-hour of enjoyable and to collect, during that initial stretch, the energy required to support the rest of the film, which was resolved generally with less skill, if not with evident reluctance. It seems at that point that everyone, including the viewer, are made to think in the next film. Also Millas usually organize their novels from a finding, formal or originality which first calls the attention, but the reverse of what happens with those movies (and with many other aspects of contemporary reality), begin to grow as soon as the reader thinks they know what's going to go the issue and you already have to take out the mobile from your pocket. Overcome those heady first thirty minutes, the reading of his texts are obscure, and then there is no turning back. A man named Damian, run away from the security guard of a flea market, impromptu and gets into a voluminous wardrobe of three doors. There remains hidden, and in its interior moves the move - up to a villa of three rooms on the outskirts of Madrid. Live there the new owners of the piece of furniture in question, a marriage of middle-aged and her teenage daughter. Unemployed and immersed in an unstoppable process of uprooting staff, Damian chooses to stay in his den, and, like a ghost (or a spy or a writer), dematerialising and assumes the other as the only reality. The same puts into practice the own Millas, who in order to underline that that will is absent, organizes a careful succession of occultations that diluted the brand of authorship to the time that reinforce the element of dream, a space of true comfort of the writer. Does, perhaps this time with greater success than other times, on the basis of the insight and humor always amedrantada and giving free rein to a plot that moves, with seeming naturalness, to territories, distant and strange. If in The crazy woman, his previous novel, Millas made us fluctuate between fiction and reality, on this occasion you opt for to place ourselves in an empty space half way between the real and the imaginable, between the possible and the thinkable, between that which separates the horizontal line of a supposed reality discernible and the spiral (or spirals) or discontinuous(s) that establishes the mind in its endless (and exhausting) project to search for meaning. Damian is the host of a hilarious and fantastic show for your partner particularly, and it is he who tells the story, to him and to us; perhaps the own Millas, located in the patio of armchairs, camouflaged among the rest of the public. For not giving himself away, occupies a seat in the last row. And dare not even take out the mobile from your pocket. Editorial: Seix Barral. Web editorial. ISBN: 9. Pages: 2. 08. Price: 1.