You have fear. The behavior of your partner scares you. You are afraid to ask or tell something because you do not know how to react. Your partner tells you constantly what you do wrong and everything that you would need to improve But rather to help you, not do more than point out your flaws and behave as if you were a lost cause that can't lend a hand because it is too weak. Comparisons painful. Your partner will compare it constantly to your friends telling you that you are more beautiful and successful, or simply tells you that you are better than you. Confusion constant. Yells at you very often. And when you try to answer back or prove that you're right, they may even kneel to get your forgiveness. You without reason. You blame the behavior of a friend, for how are the children, the divorce of a friend or anything else. Jealousy possessive. You always have something negative to say about your friends, especially if they are of the opposite sex. Hates it when your friends call you and sometimes asks you to hang up the phone. Don't like that you have an active social life. Your self-esteem suffers. Tells you constantly how little you are worth and are angry with you because you are always looking for your approval. How To Download Beautiful Planet (2016) Full Movie more. But when you try to do something on your own, you reproached that you will not be able to. Two-sided. Your attitude and behavior confuses you. Sometimes, it is extremely affectionate or loving. But other times they are harmful or harmful. It is impossible to predict how they will react. Are a sadist or a sadistic interior. Seems to feel better when you criticize or point out your flaws. They seem more happy when you make mistakes. Video Hd Download Ghost House (2017)'>Video Hd Download Ghost House (2017). The humiliation. You humiliate it, especially when you're with friends or people you admire. Large claims. Expect you things unreasonable and will demand large things while secretly hope that you fail to tell you “I told you so ”. Handling sexual. Your partner manipulates you to do sexual activities that you don't like. Sometimes even saying “other chicaschicos do, why you do not ” 1. Cristofer plains 20 February 2016 Very good das The truth ca by here looking for information on the nikon d3300 as it being my first chamber. Hello Jan a question I have bulgaros and I put them in milk 2 cres this q bn. Previous mind was putting in skim milk is not. Estimado Enrique, if in the document that has been signed with the company, have indicated these terms, you should know that you have the connection work has been completed and that. Download and Listen to Reggaeton, Pop, Rock, Dance, Latino, 2017, Watch Videos of Reggaeton and be aware of the New Songs of Reggaeton. Sunglasses of category 0. The category 0 the integrated lenses with a transmission of the light between 80-100. This means that all lenses, colorless and. Libre Yo Vi La Luz (2016) Online ' title='Libre Yo Vi La Luz (2016) Online ' />Grandes confessions. Your partner can share your problems with others, but when you do he gets angry. Re all against you making you feel helpless. In this way, nobody will be on your side if one day you reveal yourself. The treatment of the silence, the more well-known as you “make the vacuum”. A partner who is abusing you psychologically, it works hand-in-hand with guilt and can punish you with silence until you are excused by oponorte to your decision. Physical abuse. Sometimes, your partner may make use of physical abuse is, perhaps, an pellizcón, a punch or even an increasingly threatening posture to scare you when you oppose something. Forbidden to think. I am passionate about having the total control of the relationship. You handled little by little until you lose all confidence in your judgment. Just believing that you are not able to make decisions without his advice. Loneliness and dependence. You can start by telling you that they don't like some member of your family or your friends. Then you will be asked to leave to see this person. Before you know it, your partner has isolated socially from any person who was previously close to you. And one day, you open your eyes, you look around and you see that if you need help, you can only go to your partner. Emotional memories. You remember in every discussion, all those times that you made a mistake. Constantly brings up all the faults that you have committed. Your achievements are worth nothing. Your partner glorifies even the smallest of their accomplishments while yours are devalued. Denial. If you happen to aim that meets any of these signs deny christ. You may even try to convince you that they do to help you. Recommended reading: – abuse and other outrages. Juan Luis Linares. You can buy his book here: – what is psychological Abuse When the victims don't know it. Ana Muñoz. You can buy his book here: “When I want you, I want you independent of me, and not in love with me, but in love with life. Anthony de Mello. Images: Space cultivarte and The Country.