The poster is a series of television colombiana based on the book El cartel de los sapos, written by former drug trafficker colombian Andres Lpez. Nicols Casullo, his volva loca was hinted to the spoon: mo to New York, I insisti in which it was written. Csar Vallejo, when. Argument the first film: Adam (Leigh Whannell) wakes up in a baera full of water. One of its feet are tied, the tapn and when you wake up, remove it. Usually ground to have sex with 4 rugbiers in yerba buena tucumn ms or less 30 years. Nota2: In part 2 of this tutorial describes how to change the operating system and rootearlo, that is to say, to have total access to the operating system, with this will. The business gurus of the personal development Maria Mikhailova. The recent event Being One Forum Madrid and my impressions on the Business of the Gurus of Personal Development. An event that has left us all with a bad taste in the mouth. Mustang (2015) Izle on this page. During the days 1. Madrid the First Forum of the European Personal Growth, with great teachers of personal growth at the global level and that had been announced even in the metro stations of Madrid. Gurus of personal development such as Robin Sharma, Gregg Barden, Enric Corbera, Don Miguel Ruiz (author of The 4 agreements), Jeff Foster or Mooji they were going to be part of the impressive lineup of this unprecedented event in the space, Madrid Arena. An event that many people looked forward to and for which you paid not a little money. To tell you the truth, I was not going to go to the event. And I explain why. Not so expensive that it might seem. In the end, if it was an event with much preparation and they were going to come great world experts, in a place prepared, conditioned, with simultaneous translations to several languages. If not I was going to go was because I am not much of follow the gurus. In addition I'm not comfortable with so many people around (it is assumed that we were going to be up to 1. I have not attended a mass concert in my life. I am not anything of crowds, I get stressed, it will be for my introverted personality. In addition I think that if I want to listen to a Sergi Torres, I prefer to do so in a conference most intimate of 2 hours as I've been to Madrid on several occasions, for example. Although I understand that a close look at the greats of personal development as Gregg Barden, Jeff Foster, Robin Sharma or Mooji is not something that you can do in Madrid every day, reason by which many people were mobilized to pay an average of 3. VIP. The macabre Joke of the Universe why in the end I went to the event Because a friend gave me her input, since for medical reasons I could not go. On Friday just didn't have coaching sessions and I decided to take advantage of the generosity of my friend and see close to people that I admire, among them Sergi Torres. The event that was to take place in the Madrid Arena was transferred days before the Cover of Leganés. A plaza de toros cover. After spending a couple of hours in a long queue, I came to a cold space, dirty, exfoliated, without order or concert. The sound was not working well, there were areas of the room where not even reach the sound. The talks did not start until 3 hours later than planned. Pablo Escobar has been the drug trafficker ms powerful and influential in history. It was l who desat, large-scale, the hired gunmen in Colombia, and also who. The organizers were asking for apologies. The people demanded the return of the entries in half of the conferences that could barely be heard. Less bad than the first to speak was Sergi and he knew how to take the confusion and disappointment down the road of learning. Something that I found very successful. Yes, that was the agreement that we were living an experience, not meant that he was going to resign myself to it. From the cold stairs of stone, dirty, drafty and smelly. I came to the message in its entirety, I felt uncomfortable, with cold, and besides the sound left much to be desired. Of course there was no simultaneous translation, but that was to be translated live and direct sentence-by-sentence. Did not like it. I decided to leave. I was not going to claim anything, as my entrance had been given away, but I kept seeing so many faces of people disappointed, many of whom came with their suitcase of other cities, had paid for plane tickets, train, hotels. The next day, the thing was heavy even to cancel the event, after hundreds of people aguardaran in long queues with the hope of entering the compound. There were No official statements. Although later it seems that reopened the doors. About 4 - 5 hours later. As expressed in the networks, one of my co-coaching, the event turned out to be a “macabre joke of the Universe”. And is that you expected a very special event, very relevant. It is as if the life we are put in our place and told us: the development staff is not as nice as it seems, to grow in truth you must have a hard time. And yes, I agree with that thought. Grow on a personal level is not an easy task, nor comfortable. But this is not what one expects from an event of this level. The fashion Gurus of personal growth. If I write this post is because I have stopped thinking about during these days. And as everything that affects me or cares, I like to express it and share it, I have not been able to stop thinking about the business of personal growth. Especially the business gurus, events, best - sellers. This post may not like it at all or even in part, to throw stones against my own roof. But I feel that I need to say it. What is becoming of this of personal development in a business where you are not interested in providing a true service to the people As people in search of personal fulfillment, we look for that light at the end of the tunnel, those responses that others seem to give us. And here I must not forget the masterful message of Sergi Torres in the middle of the chaos (by the way, the only talk I saw live, the first and the last for me of the event). Hence we seek the gurus, to the great, we read best seller books. We believe that listening to them will change you life or at least something will click. And yes, there are times that it does. Or, on the contrary, how people who have not read anything to achieve a profound transformation in their lives In these cases, almost always at the root of something serious: an illness, a life crisis, the loss of a loved one. Because I believe in a personal development conscious, coherent, authentic, close. Does that mean that we stop going to events, courses, workshops no, Not at all. Many of these speakers I know and admire you for the great work they do. But do we know to choose the right or we're taking it for the fame or appearances, The real growth is given not only by reading books or attending events gurus. As a coach working with real people.