Movies the the. Star Wars Rebels: The machine in the ghost (2. Synopsis. Chopper, was a Droid Astromecánico made of spare parts has a peculiar personality: quick-tempered, obstinate and irritable. However, it always helps to save the day and end up forgive their follies. This droid was made a member of Spirit, where he met Hera Syndulla, only that you understand their peculiar language. Hera convinced Kanan Jarrus to become a rebel and fight for the cause. This short film tells the peculiar routine that follow Hera, Kanan and Chopper on his spaceship... Film directed by Dave Filoni. Duration: 0 h 3 m. The Third 2. 01. LATERCERA Friday 2. MORE THAN A YEAR OF the MURDER Judges credited that Celestino Córdova Tránsito participated in the fire I died the marriage of Werner Luchsinger and Vivian Mackay, January 4, 2. However, the court dismissed the offence had the character of being a terrorist, as it was not possible to establish who seek to instill terror in the population. In addition, he was acquitted of the charge for another attack incendiary, occurred days before the death of the farmer. By Fredy Palomera and Sergio Rodriguez. The tense atmosphere that enveloped the city of Temuco. Sergio Rodriguez the 1. Bulnes. Near 8. Court Oral Temuco. Men with cultrunes, and headbands; women with trapelacucha (ornaments of silver), and head scarves. Vi - minimum to support our machi”, said Ana Llao, national councilor to the Conadi. From 9. 0. 0 since there were barriers papal willing to 1. More than 1. 50 police, including FF. EE. , custodiaron their immediate vicinity with reinforcement of the Gendarmerie. Is that the other time it was very strong,” said Marcia Bistoqui, reside - you sector, recalling the violent incidents that marked the beginning of the trial, at the beginning of February. When the clock struck 1. Como generate free documents electrnicos for art events. Centre Cultural House of the Clock (Arganzuela)-Ship. June 2015 Watercolors. Reloj NUEVO RIJKSMUSEUM (2015) Online Gratis ' title='Reloj NUEVO RIJKSMUSEUM (2015) Online Gratis ' />Bulnes lucia deserted. The Secret Life Of Pets (2016) Ipod Movie. Only 2. 5 representatives of mapuche entered the hearing. Add relevant social results and recommendations from your friends and contacts, to your regular search results. What your friends share matters Wajam. Don't tell me how to work your watch if only you ask for. Online courses for free. June 2015 146. 12:45 The new European MOOCS Scoreboard includes. Documentary from a new birth of a human being. Rijksmuseum. Enjoy the premieres and films online free. The rest stayed in the street and followed the judgment by radio. In the hearing room, meanwhile, in one half were the representatives of the ethnic group and in the other the family Luchsinger and its nearby. There were No words or gestures between the two. Disney's The Jungle Book (2016) Ipod Movie. At the end of the day, the captain Ximena Valle said that “it is not recorded desma - nes or detention”. Jorge Luchsinger Mackay Son of the marriage murdered: Fredy Palomera Temuco Despite the fact that he tries, Jorge Luchsinger Mackay can not hide their disapproval for the verdict yesterday unveiled the Court's Oral Temuco. Even when you pleaded guilty to the one implicated by the crime of their parents, Celestino Córdova Tránsito. What is your feeling after knowing the result of the judgment At least was convicted, we now have that espe - The verdict was that he is guilty, that he participated in the murder of my parents and at least one of the judges (Oscar Viñuela) described the fact of being a terrorist. Therefore, I hope that there are extenuating circumstances, but that is an aggravating factor that is considered I Hope that the 2. February) to be sentenced to life imprisonment. How to take that he has been acquitted of the attack on the family Dry Fourcade Are contradictions. In the first event (Dry - Four - cade) are considered terrorist by the declaration of the people that I saw - saw you there and that were the facts, and in the case of my parents were not able to de - clarar; therefore, two judges are not convinced that it was a fact of those features, and we now have to be subject to what that says the system, which declare the judges. The judges came to the conviction that the weapon of his father was fired and was one of the tests that was taken into account. We knew that the dad was with the weapon, which was operational and an- “it's Going to be a prisoner and not going to cause this kind of facts for a good time”was with the bullet missed, there are many details with which one makes the conviction that he (his father) used the weapon. How has it been for you this whole court process and what is expected of the judgment we have Already lived for a year, so that doesn't change much in a day or with a verdict, the only thing here (is that) it's going to be pre - os and is not going to cause this kind of facts for a long time. The attack) is something that I don't want to remember, because it is very painful. Finally, after nearly two weeks of trial, the son of the ill-fated marriage, said he hopes to calmly analyze the scope of the resolution issued by the court and so to speak in-depth about the judgment that the next 2. Luchsinger Mackay, the early morning of 4 January 2. A TERRORIST OFFENCE“My parents were not able to declare and that's why two judges are not convinced that it was a terrorist”. GUILTY“, The verdict is that he was guilty, that he (Cordova) participated in the murder of my parents”. While in the murder of the Luchsinger the police arrested Cordova shortly after the ata - that and wounded, in pope Pius's Dry no one failed to recognize - that convincingly. Why was guilty in one case and not in the other MAIN QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CASO2. The judges of Temuco indicated that it could not be pro - bar that Cordova has had the purpose of instilling terror in the population after the fire to the home of the farmers. Why case Luchsinger was not a terrorist One of the main arguments of the prosecution was that Celestino Córdova was injured by Luchsinger. The defense was not able to clarify the reason for the communi - nero was injured. Why Cordova was wounded at the bullet In the case of Pius Dry, it is indicated that they used bring boots size 4. Luchsinger used 4. It was one of the reasons that ruled out his participation in an attack on the family Dry. What factor played the bring boots that had Cordova The IWB has a list of eight suspects who also allegedly involved in the crime. The police are working on gathering more information to request a detention order. Who else participated in the crime, Vivian Mackay (6. His wife made two distress calls as they were attacked: the Police and your child. THE VICTIMASWerner Luchsinger (7. The farmer was pitted against the aggressors from the door of the kitchen, according to research by the office of the prosecutor.